Friday 10 February 2012

Leadership day

Year 13 students of Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate, Senior School attended a Leadership day at Willow Park Christian Centre, Eastern Beach in Auckland today. The primary objective of this day  was to inform students about tertiary study pathways. This was to assist students to make informed decisions about  what they want to study, as well as where they want to study.

 The tertiary institutions that made presentations were MIT, AUT and AU. Furthermore, the careers advisor Kim Kohere made students aware of the different scholarships they can apply for and how to apply for it. Rob Holloway informed students about Gateway, and the school nurse, Cheryl Grbic, covered  Health issues.


Rhythm Interactive wrapped up the day with a vibrant African drum session! Everyone loved it!


A huge thanks to all the students who exhibited awesome behaviour  and to the deans, Ms van Duyn( Atawhai), Mrs Faleolo(Kahurangi) and Mr Bain(Pounamu) for their support.


Have a great 2012 academic year !


Mr G. van Niekerk

Dean: Leadership ( Manutaki )




Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate, Senior School

Gerschen van Niekerk

Dean for  Mutaki House -

Tel:+64 9 2745782 ext.406